Pay Per Click Advertising described: your company produces specialized widgets, say made from Stainless Steel. So Stainless Steel Widgets is a valuable Keyword Search Term to you and others in your industry. When you contract with one of these providers you enter into an auction-style market place in order to secure your ranking when people search for the term "Stainless Steel Widgets". Say you're willing to pay $1.00 per click to be in the number 1 position above the natural (organic) search results. That means that each time a person sees your ad, clicks on the contained link and is delivered to your company web site your account is charged $1.00. Simple enough, right?
Pay Per Click Advertising, the details: you can set your monthly advertising budget, say at $300, and this will be disbursed at a rate of $10 a day until the point at which your budget kicks in and your ad drops out of its #1 position at the top of the search results.
It is possible to change your key word bids on a weekly basis or even turn off categories of key words on a seasonal basis.
 "There are several good reasons why advertisers choose to pay for visitors to their web site as opposed to the involved and often grueling method of search engine optimization...
Pay Per Click Advertising, the intricacies: one needs to research the terms that people are actually using to search for your product, it could be modified by a term like "Military Spec Stainless Steel Widgets" that would actually drive MORE traffic. These search terms change over time and so your site AND your Pay Per Click Campaign need to be managed to reflect this. In addition, it is most advisable to have a really wide ranging set of keyword terms, categories of them in fact - even for different sales seasons/times of the year - that cover the entire imaginable gamut of terms related to your product, industry and company.
We are here to help you navigate these complex seas: there is a ton of stuff to know and learn and a knowledge of HTML, string variables and SEO is a necessity. Let us help! Just call 949.722.6119 or email us at
We can make the following services a powerful tool in your advertising budget:
Yahoo Search Marketing: formerly, Yahoo! Search Marketing was the first service to sell Pay Per Click advertisement in an auction-type environment where a company bids against their competitors for the desirable key word combinations.
You can set a monthly, or even daily advertising budget and once the budget amount has been met, your ad drops from its paid position next to the search results.
Google Adwords: playing off of their success in the Search Engine market Google offers AdWords, their own version of Pay Per Click advertising.
Verizon Super Pages: home of the web's largest online yellow pages. You start with a free listing that identifies your business in the simplest possible terms. You listing will fall in the search rankings according to the time you signed up for it. It is then possible, by signing up for their paid advertising plan, to have your listing appear towards the top of the search rankings in a Paid Placement area.
In theory these services are the same but in practice each is different with individual interfaces, approaches, techniques and nuances. We would be happy to help you get started, just call us at 949.722.6119 or email us at
"There are several good reasons why advertisers choose to pay for visitors to their web site as opposed to the involved and often grueling method of search engine optimization.
Improper SEO will not only waste time and resources, there is never a guarantee that the keywords your site is optimized for will result in actual sales or conversions.
In addition, with the ever-changing algorithms of search engines, you could spend big money on SEO that may put you at the very top of the search engines today, and then with one major algorithm change, you could drop completely off the charts tomorrow. (Remember Florida?)*
PPC advertising can help ensure for the most part, you get what you pay for and pay as little as possible to do it."
- Robert Walter
*Florida was an infamous update to the Google algorithm that threw many sites off of the highly valued first page and caused a hue and cry among Search Engine Optimizers the world over.
The Bottom Line: our experience is succinct web content writing coupled with our knowledge of SEO, HTML and other technologies makes us uniquely able to manage your Pay Per Click marketing campaign with the minimum of expense to you. Call us at 949.722.6119 or email us at to get started now.